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True inspiration is always nearby

Inspired by Trauda, Vladimir, Elisabete and Manuel

True inspiration can be often found much closer than we think. In recent years, many people have been turning their heads towards renowned personalities looking for inspiration, for guidance.

I am no exception. The countless hours spent reading books, watching documentaries, attending conferences and seminars or following various gurus were valuable. I have learnt a lot. The problem is that if we follow some great personalities, we inevitably feel so much smaller, less powerful, no matter how often they try to persuade us that we too can achieve greatness. Why are there so few people who succeed then? Why is it that more people fail than not when pursuing great goals despite working really hard? In the article “Why am I researching WHY” we spoke about various strategies. Inspiration is too elusive to be a strategy and yet it possesses crucial importance. It is the inspiration that “transforms the way we perceive our own capabilities… and it has a major effect on important life outcomes.”

Throughout history, the greatest of the great spoke about their muses. Muses of our time are no longer mythological goddesses. They are people who move us, great influencers, successful entrepreneurs or, if we pay attention, people whom we know personally. 

Inspiration drives our creativity. It elevates us when we are losing faith, lacking confidence or when we think that we have used all our energy and strength.

Recently, I have been fortunate to come across four truly inspirational people.

An 86-year old lady who survived the infamous bombing of the German city of Dresden in February of 1945. As a ten-year-old girl, she saved her blinded mother by leading her out of crumbling, burning rubble. Their hair, eyebrows, clothes were burnt. They were stumbling over the dead bodies of their neighbours – men, women, and children. Later in life, she experienced what no mother should. Her son died. Her first marriage was not happy. When talking to her, I was amazed by her energy, optimism and kindness. Despite all the tragedy in her life she has managed to live fully, to learn continuously and by her example, she is encouraging others to do the same. 

We live in a fast moving world. We try something. It does not work. We often give up and try something else. Yes, there is a lot of hardship and many of us don’t have an easy ride but at the same time we get upset about little things or tend to feel sorry for ourselves when we face illness, misfortune or bad luck. Mrs Trauda, that is her name, says, “When I come across an obstacle, I climb straight up. I never walk around or get under…”. And so she has been living her life, making difficult decisions, expressing her views without fear - fear of what people think or say, fear of any obstacles or circumstances. As she says, "After surviving the bombing of Dresden, I am not afraid of anything”. 

Manuel Viera may seem like an ordinary guy. He is permaculture and biodynamic agriculture producer. 7 days a week, 365 days a year he works hard growing wonderful vegetables and fruits to support the healthy living of his clients. He grows plants like nature intended to and the results are astonishing, full of vibrant colours, vitamins, minerals. Of course, it would be easier with manufactured herbicides and pesticides but for Manuel, that would not be acceptable. He doesn't own any organic certification. “Why?, he says, “This is the normal way of growing crops”. People do not only learn about healthy plants when they go and purchase his produce. A simple conversation with him reminds you of the important things in life. You see the paramount respect he has for other human beings, for the soil, for the water coming straight down from the mountains to feed his plants, for our environment, for our planet, for the entire universe.

Elisabete Andrade is a young environmental activist, an advocate for organic, sustainable farming, for artisanal producers on the island of Madeira, Portugal. Although being young and very tiny, she possesses the determination and energy of a giant, driven by her passion, by her belief that she can change things for the better. Recently, she embarked on a journey of eating only locally produced food. She only consumes produce coming from the island. If you think that it must be easy, think again. Most of us don’t even realise how many things come from far away. On Madeira, there are no producers of olive oil or mustard or butter or coffee or… Elisabete has been inspiring so many people to think about their choices, about treasuring the environment, standing up for their beliefs and taking action although it might not be comfortable.

As an appraised and respected massage therapist Vladimir Mikulas is well known in the Czech Republic mainly among football and futsal players and fans. He has got a beautiful, supportive family and lots of wonderful friends. He also has ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). He does not see his condition as a curse though, he sees it as a gift. He believes that he got unwell because he needed to learn something at the level of his consciousness. When he was diagnosed, he felt so much love from everybody around him and that is why, he says, it is time now to give the love back. Nobody can imagine what is he going through, the tortures he is facing every single day. And yet, he is not giving up. He continues working, teaching, sharing and …learning. His body may be failing him but his mind and soul are great gifts for all of us who are lucky enough to know him, to be touched by his loving heart. 

These extraordinary ordinary people are the true inspiration - the Traudas, Elisabetes, Vladimirs, Manuels, the six-year-olds who strongly oppose their parents who took a plastic bag in a supermarket to put their groceries in… The people who draw strength from adversity, who never give up, who share love and kindness even if their own life sometimes was not kind to them. Look around – they are all around you.


1 https://hbr.org/ Why Inspiration Matters by Scott Barry Kaufman

2 Vladimir Mikulas (the link provided is available in Czech language only) 


3 Elisabete Andrade - Omniartisan


4 Manuel Viera

Estrada dos Salôes, 9360-324 Canhas, Madeira, Portugal

5 Edeltruda (Trauda) Slapakova (the link provided is available in Czech language only) 


#inspiration #inspirationalpeople #trueinspiration #personaldevelopment